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3 YouTube Channel Ideas That Can Make You Money

I’ll give you 3 Youtube channel ideas that you can use to start your side hustle as a content creator.

Offer value and activate your creativity, monetize your YouTube channel, get YouTube video ideas in 3 niche areas.

Do you think that there is no more room on Youtube for you? Do you believe that all of the ideas have been taken and everyone is making money from Youtube but you?

You’re probably here because you want to make money on YT but you want something interesting that nobody (or few people) are doing. I am going to visualize for you a travel-literature Youtube channel, a video meme channel and a people watching channel, so if you’re interested in one more than the other skip ahead.


So wanderlust and travel are always trending topics no matter what social platform you use. You know you catch yourself binge watching others live their best lives abroad.

But Caravanserai (I named the channel after long stops on travel routes) is a bit more of an edutainment YT channel than just regular travel.

There are hundreds of travel books and writers going back centuries and some are more popular than others. So why not carve out a space for those people who love travel diaries and movies of wanderlust?

What the Caravanserai channel would be is you, taking a summary of the travels of a particular writer and making it visual.

This opportunity takes advantage of animation and storytelling skills in order to captivate the literature, travel and history Youtube audiences.


  1. Find the most popular or trending travel books

  2. Condense the stories in summary form making sure to choose the most important events

  3. Explore animation styles and hire a freelancer to make the stories into videos as well as a professional voice over artist.

Remember to look at other videos in similar history or literature niche’s to see how they write good descriptions, grab interest with titles and what sort of animations they use to tell their stories. (For these resources on my website you can get an Idea planner or, do your own research).


Okay, so maybe edutainment isn’t your thing, but how about memes? This one of the easiest channels to make because you’re essentially taking clips of content and adding your own funny opinions to it.

We all watch funny things and make comments and creepily laugh to ourselves. With WhateverComes2Mind that’s exactly what it is. It’s not centered on one subject like politics or adulting , but anything you watch and comment on.

Currently meme videos are crushing it on views and subscribers, as long as you keep people laughing, you’ll have their attention.

I think a great one is music videos, especially older ones. As well as scenes from old movies. The key is nailing the title, which is the meme part. Another way is taking a much loved series and adding a meme title to a scene that you can relate, in a funny way, to an interesting situation in life.

(Plus, popular series usually already have a dedicated audience looking for similar content)


  1. Whenever you watch anything, write down various funny comments you make to yourself and the scene time that you made it.


Watch a new kind of genre that you never have before and relate it to funny situations.

  1. Record and edit the clip and give the video title your comment

Remember for any clip that you have to give credit to the owner

This idea is simple because it just takes a tiny bit of editing, a lot of funny and consistency. If you want a few meme channel ideas, you can download the idea planner from my website:


This idea may be creepy to you but….

Like going to new places and watching people? Others do too. This may be your new side hustle. People watching!

There have been a few channels that have popped up sort of adjacent to this and it usually focuses on one city and what the people on the street are wearing. I’ve seen this a few times with Paris and New York.

How about setting up a camera, on a street and just watching people in different countries going about their daily lives. From time to time the street scene will change.

This takes advantage of people who love to travel, the ones who love to see how other cultures live and those who are up way too late scrolling YT. Not only that but it’s a way to get into the travel niche by traveling and not just showing what you are eating.


  1. If you live in a large city, set up a camera in a popular destination. OR contact freelance videographers on sites like Upwork/Fiverr and have them record streets in their respective cities.

  2. Have them do multiple views and scenes (market, subway, park, financial district, etc)

  3. Edit videos so that it changes scenes after 5 or more minutes. You can group videos based on subjects of: city, country, fashion, rich areas, poor areas, markets, villages, you name it.

Remember to research any rules or regulations there may be on filming in public places.

People make $1,000s and $100s of thousand from content on YT.

Instagram may be popular and TikTok easy but YT IS the content creator money maker. 


A few ways you can generate income from YT besides monetizing:

  1. Reach out to potential sponsors. They could be companies that are vaguely related to the topic and don’t have so much of a digital presence on their own.

2. Add affiliate links in your description for anything related to the topic in the video

3. Get support for creating your videos and extra content with Patreon.

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