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BLK.CHAI – Boutique tea shop to knockout the coffee competition

Get it on making money from the 2nd most consumed beverage worldwide (and the money it brings in is only growing).

Coffee culture and drinks…

around coffee is like a real thing in the US. But, there’s a rising tea drinker rebellion! It’s not that serious, but tea worldwide is important. 

  1. Tea is one of the oldest beverages in the world.

  2. Americans consumed 89 billion servings of tea in 2021.

  3. It represents the world’s most consumed beverage after water. (take that coffee people)


People use tea for healing. Who uses coffee for healing? NOONE! *The coffee enema people have entered the chat*

So tea is pretty important and what I’m going to try and do is to get you excited about tea by:

1. Showing you the growth potential of the industry

2. Going over the opportunities that are out there to make money from tea.

According to Imarc, The global tea market reached a value of US$ 22 Billion in 2021. And they expect the market to reach US$ 30.3 Billion by 2027.

That’s important for you because that means more money will be spent by consumers on tea, and more opportunities for you to find your niche and make money from tea.

The report goes on to say that the growth is because of:

  1. a rise in disposable incomes

  2. its consumed by people in all socio-economic classes

  3. and the last reason they give will propel us into ideas to make money from tea:

The out-of-home market for tea has been expanding where various tea lounges have been opening across the globe. These lounges offer different benefits to the consumers such as the availability of a variety of handpicked teas from different regions. Such places have provided the consumers with hang out spaces where they can indulge in conversations which has contributed towards an augmenting demand for tea.

Here is our first business idea for tea: A tea lounge.

Nothing big.

Nothing giant. 

Something small, boutique local, within a neighborhood, but the important part is that it has a good theme to it.

Something ethnic like Turkish or Chinese themed, the furniture, the décor, the smells, the lighting. 

Or it can differentiate in its products. How about a health tea themed, where it offers different combinations of teas for different health effects. 

You could also make dry leaf combinations based on the flavors and smells of another country or prepare drinks based on how they are drunk in other places. Did you know British people put milk in their tea? A habit I picked up in Israel, *sips tea*. 

Don’t forget food, I say keep it simple: Toast. Tea and toast, bc it’s my favorite (also tea and chocolate, a habit I picked up in Georgia).

I believe the ideas for this are endless.

You see coffee dens on every corner and particularly in my city.

I drive past a coffee shop that is tiny and has nothing but 2 people and a drive thru and every morning that line is snakeing throughout the parking lot. You don’t need much.

Not interested in the costs of a building?

What can you do online with tea?

Dry tea powders – use strong branding and great flavors and combinations to offer online customers a unique product.

Add in combo packs, gift boxes and t-shirts with snarky comments about coffee drinkers and gain a fan base. 

Another way is doing the same but dealing in Ice-tea. 

75%-80% of tea drunk in the United States is iced tea.

That’s a huge number of people. What if you targeted those people seasonally, like a summer brand. Ice-tea powders and mixes like lemon, or sweet tea, or spicy tea. 

The same can be true about a seasonally winter brand. Throw in the winter flavors, the candles relating to your tea and you’ve got branding.

Now this next idea will throw you. People love plants and I think now is a great time for making indoor plant money (video under construction).

Offer small tea plant combinations. Just like with herbs, people can have two or three small tea plants sent to them, they can pick leaves fresh, and have fresh tea. Mint and lemon balm or jasmine and green.

I like the idea of functional plants in the home and this is an idea I really considered doing myself.

There are so many more ways to make money from tea that I didn’t go over, like how about just investing in tea, now that you know the industry is supposed to grow steadily over time? 

Anyways let me know your thoughts, have you seen another brand doing it well? What are the tea business opportunities where you live? Which one are you going to start? And as always consider downloading 31 days of opportunity, to learn how to find your own money making idea. Or Let’s make a plan how we can get you started on this idea.

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