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You don’t need to be a native English teacher for this opportunity - English teacher business idea 

Updated: Mar 18

english teacher writing on board

I’m going to give you an idea I had while I was living abroad and working as an English teacher.

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to make money teaching English, to teach abroad or to travel the world teaching English this may be the opportunity for you.


You’re already an English teacher in your country and you want to do more than just start an English school.

So, I lived overseas in a few countries

and I made money by teaching English online. It’s something I did before it was popular, widely known and saturated. Either way, once people learned I was an English teacher, they really wanted to learn English from a native speaker. 

I did tutor a few students but for the most part I didn’t enjoy all aspects of English teaching, what I started as was an English speaking practice teacher. I loved that. I learned how to get people to speak, kids, adults, shy students and it presented me with a few business ideas.

I even tried to start my own company abroad for just this very specific skill in English. There were so many people around me who had learned English in school and just never used it. I wanted to help adults maintain and improve their spoken English.

Not only that, but in the schools that I had volunteered at and the villages I lived in, even if they had a tutor the children would learn, learn, learn but not apply. They could study but not many could speak.

But before I give you the idea – here are some stats from Reportlinker:

  1. Global English Language Learning Market to Reach $43.6 Billion by 2027

  2. US$15.4 Billion in the year 2020

  3. The compound annual growth rate Offline is projected at 14.7% with Online CAGR at 16.6%

  4. U.S. Market is Estimated at $4.2 Billion

  5. China is Forecast to Grow at 20.5%

The full report is linked below so that you can see the other countries talked about specifically:

So, what I thought would be a good idea

but never did and may be an opportunity for you,  wherever you are living, is an English speaking practice school.

I met a teacher in Crimea who did just that. All classes were students getting together and doing speaking activities, some that trained their speaking for specific certificates, or olympiads.

This idea is not just for native English speakers. Wherever you are, if you are an English teacher, it’s a great way to differentiate. In so many countries children have English in school, this would help them to use their English regularly thru speaking.

If I were to do this (and I wanted to here’s how).

I’d rent an office, and compile basic, intermediate and advanced speaking activities. I’d hold these classes a few times a week to 2 groups, adults and children.  You would also need to create a mechanism to test everyone’s level. If you wanted to focus on one age group such as adults, it could be more specific with professional English speaking practice or career based.

When I was living in Albania I really wanted the language school I was working at to offer short term highly focused speaking classes because so many Albanians went to work in Greece and Italy. It would be like a 1-month Italian for Restaurant workers or Greek for Construction workers course. I think I’m off topic

Anyway, there are so many free materials online to do this, it’s just really about attracting people and differentiating yourself and specializing in your area from other English schools by improving on a skill many need more help with.

I had so many adult students saying I just need to practice my English, I never use it, I don’t want to lose it.

So that was what I wanted to do and maybe it’s something that as an English teacher in your country it may seem obvious to you, but this video is for the ones who needed an idea.

For more content like this about opportunities around the world, connect with me on Instagram and download my 10 days of opportunity book.

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