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Most small businesses do social media wrong – Here’s what you should do

As a digital marketer, I naturally analyze what works with marketing and what doesn’t.

Something that I see repeatedly on social, whether that be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube is that companies build a profile, then begin selling asap.

If you started a restaurant, what do you do? You post pictures of your food and prices.

If you are a gym, what do you do? You post pictures of the gym and people working out.

If you are a thrift store, what do you post? sales or pictures of items, or maybe if you’re a really good company, thrift store related memes.

That doesn’t work.

Imagine you get on social media.

What are the accounts you add? Interesting, funny, edutainment.

You follow people and companies on social media that give you something interesting to look at.

No one goes to social media hoping to follow a small company and no one goes to social media hoping to see posts about items they don’t need and sales they don’t want.

People follow their interests on social media. Remember that.

As a company, shift your social media mindset simply with this one thought.

We are not a restaurant, we are not a gym, we are not a thrift store.

We are a food influencer, we are a gym influencer, we are a thrifting influencer.

Simple right?

So, what has changed?

Now you’re thinking is: what will get the most eyes on my social media, rather than what should I post about my business today?

Social media is awareness

– In marketing speak that means the only goal for social is to get people to know you exist.

Begin posting interesting content loosely related to your business – I this call Industry Adjacent Content.

What do food influencers post?

Maybe still pictures of food, but also videos of them making a dish, recipe videos, shorts and reels critiquing others’ food, memes and jokes about terrible food on TikTok.

What does a gym influencer post?

Before and after photos of the clients, workout routines for a trending body area, stats and facts that people didn’t know about an area of fitness, reactions to other gym influencer videos, funny moment in the gym.

What does a thrift store post?

Long form videos walking through the store. Reposts about expensive items that have been found at a thrift stores, shopping hauls, thrifting hack reels and shorts.

Now your company is going to attract people, interested in the topic around your business because you’ve offered them value.

And once you offer value, people will want to see weekly you will post about, so they follow you.

Then you can sell.

Once or twice a week you can offer a coupon, or sell them your online workout package.

Here is an account who does it the wrong way and one who does it the right way.

Change the way you post, start thinking like an influencer with industry adjacent content, and remember your one goal with social is to let people know that you exist.

Still not sure what to post? If you need a content strategy, visit my website Digital Foundations and you can download a ready made digital foundations map for your industry or let’s meet and I can create a strategy tailored to your business.

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