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<strong>Artist? Struggling? 3 creative art ideas to make money as an artist. (Part Three)</strong>

If you’ve ever wondered how people on Etsy or artists on Instagram can make money from being creative in this article you will discover a few ways.

So, You’re probably here because you want to make money in some creative way. Something that activates your artistic skills and your personal hobbies while giving you some extra money. At the same time, you want something interesting that nobody (or few people) are doing.

In part 3 I’m going to visualize Colored Electronics for you. (To part one or two click the links)


Okay, on to the last one. This one I’m really excited about because there’s no end to cheap inventory. Colored electronics. Specifically using old electronics as decor. E.A.D. (That’s what I named it).

I think people do this already to some degree, in my own apartment I have an old stereo on a shelf just because I like the way it looks.

But what if you took the old record players, boomboxes, dvd players and dressed them up a bit to match peoples style.

Changing them to pink, or blue, or white would refresh them and give them a new purpose. How about stenciling in a pattern or adding some sparkles?

People do this already with old furniture and I think there’s a market for the retro, vintage or old-school things if they look just right.

Go to Goodwill, literally my weekly Saturday night hobby, and you will see piles of electronics gathering dust.

I also really like the idea of these things getting a new purpose.

To execute this idea you need to:

Choose a few pieces, get paint that works on the plasticky or metal surface that devices may have and plan how it should look.

Should the whole thing be white?

Should some areas be pink except for the speakers?

Should we make the buttons and trim a different color?

Aesthetics is everything and if you can get the right pieces and stage them the right way, showcase, showcase, showcase on social media or make how-to videos for the process, I think you can generate interest and build an audience.

I gave the art forms in 3 blogs: I’d like to give you 5 ideas to make money as an artist if you already have your art form

  1. Selling your art on Instagram

2. Creating an online course for your particular art form and style, something that can be a passive income source

  1. Create a blog around your art

  2. Collaborating with other artists

  3. Direct sales: Getting in front of people and showing them what you have

If this idea interests you consider downloading 31 days of opportunity, to learn how to find your own money making idea. Or Let’s make a plan how we can get you started on it.

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