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Can you monetize generosity? Make money from online courses!

Updated: Mar 18

woman at computer taking online course

If you’ve ever wondered whether or not you could make money from a particular area, the answer is: YES, if you make and sell an online course.

I’ll give you online course ideas, show you the growth and money being made from the online course industry as well as a few of the skills you can learn to help others make the best online courses.

Online courses are not just a thing for educational institutions to put out for their students and they haven’t been that for a while. 

Now they are a way for everyday people to up their skills no matter where they are or how much money they have AND a tried, true and highly profitable business model for the right person.

I’m going to lay out the money to be made from an online course business as well as a few online course ideas that you may want to get started in.

According to the e-learning market report from GM insights in 2028 the online learning industry could reach upwards of 1 Trillion dollars!

e learning market infographic from GMI

Not only that but Renub’s analysis says that North America and Asia-Pacific are the two largest markets:

renup online market share map by region

What do these trends mean for you?

It means opportunity.

That no matter how many people you see making money on online courses or how oversaturated you think this area is, in the next 6 years, more money is going to be spent by consumers on online courses than ever before. So do you want in?

If you want to find your niche in Online courses there are a two routes to take:

  1. Creating and selling and online course

  2. Specializing in an area of online courses, like marketing or building.

Let’s take the first idea: Creating and selling online courses.

There are so many people who know more about me on this topic so Google the topic but let’s keep it basic here:

  1. Take an area of interest, hobby or skill that you have. Research the topic

  2. Write the end goal (what should the students achieve) and work backwards writing an outline for how to get them there.

  3. Fill in the content

  4. Choose a platform and either upload it yourself or hire a freelancer

  5. Market your online course

Again that’s a basic framework and there are a lot of good YouTube vids that will take you through the whole thing.

But once you get the process down and marketing, you have a source of passive income.

There are plenty of examples of creators who make $1-5k a month or more.

Okay, what are some online course ideas?

Well firstly, what interests you?

What hobby or weird passion do you have?

What’s trending that you know people want to know how to do?

Think of those things.

But if you want my ideas here are a few:

  1. Generosity. Some people are really confused about how to give, when, to who. How can you lead them on a journey to that end goal?

2. Training your worst days on your best days.

Lots of people rely on how they feel to do what they accomplish.

How can you show them to put systems and habits in place so that no matter how they feel they reach their goals?

  1. Boomer skills that help you stand out at your job. Funny story, when my mom was a manager at an insurance company she always complained about the things people my age did/didn’t do. I see this a lot, so recently I asked her, what skills do you think millennials should have that are considered baby boomer skills that would make them stand out from others. She said: Picking up the phone, communication overall, cleaning up after yourself, basic math, checking over (editing) whatever you write. And many others. 

2. Opportunity. Some people can’t see an opportunity if it hits them in the face. How can you show them where to find opportunities, when to take advantage of an opportunity. JK that’s mine, don’t use that.

Or choose a topic and create multiple courses in that arena so that you can keep the same audience and marketing tactics.

I’ll keep the 2nd idea brief – Specializing in an area of online courses, like marketing or building. Make money by:

  1. Learn how to build a course on an online platform like Teachable or Kajabi.

  2. Learn how to create an LMS system so that companies can have their own course platform on their own website.

  3. Learn to market online courses. Make money by helping creators who are ready to put their creation out into the world but don’t know how to find their audience.

These are really valuable skills that you can monetize and that there is no shortness of usefulness for.

That’s just a little information on the opportunities that exist in the e-learning space, the crazy growth that’s happening in the industry, the multiple ways and countries and niches that you can be involved in. I hope in the very least it sparked your own ideas.

As always, consider downloading 31 days of opportunity, to learn how to find your own money making idea. Or Let’s make a plan how we can get you started on this idea.

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